File system on xv6

File system features

  • Abstraction
  • Crash Safety
  • Disk Layout
  • Performance -> Because storage are slow

File system structures

struct inode{
open_fd_count;//File can only be deleted, if above two are 0
inode cache -> mostly for synchronization     ↑
logging |
buffer cache |
-------- |
disk |

Start with storage devices

CPU communicates to disk by PCIe, once the read/write is done, the driver will yield an interrupt. And thank to driver, in fs’s perspective, disk is like a long array
![](Lec11– File System/Lec11-1.png)
inode structure on xv6:
![](Lec11– File System/Lec11-2.png)


In the file system, directory <=> file.
In xv6, directory entry is like:

struct dirent{
filename char[15]

To find a file in the directory, xv6 needs to scan over the block to match the filename. Then pickup inum as the inode block index.

Practically, we could use more efficient data structure to get better performance.

Crash Safety

On multi-step operation system, if crash happens during inside the transaction, we need to make sure on-disk data.
General solution – logging.


  • fs operations are multi-step disk operation
  • Crash may leave fs invariants violated. -> need to be atomic
  • After reboot, fs may immediately crash agian or no crash, but r/w incorrect data.

General solution – Logging:

  • Atomic fs calls
  • fast recovery
  • high performance

Logging process:

  • Log writes
  • Commit op
    • Note disk have a presumption that a single block or sector write should be atomic. Namely the sector will never be written partially.
  • Install <- the installation should be idempotent
  • Clean log

The advantage in logging is to make the transaction atomic, either we install all of operations or install nothing.

API of xv6

void log_write()// write the log.lh.block[i] as the modified block number index, namely marked the blocknumber
void write_log()// copy modified blocks from cache to disk log,
void write_head()// write header to disk -- the real commit timing

If the crash happens after logheader is write, then when rebooting, xv6 will find the header block and check the log.lh.n, if it’s not zero, then we will do the recoverey to install log block into actual block


  • Evict

    • If bcache is full and needs to do eviction, we shouldn’t do eviction od a dirty block page
    • Because some pages may still inside of a transaction, so we shouldn’t evict these pages.
      • The way xv6 uses, is to pin the block by manually incrementing the page reference. And decreasing while commiting
  • FS op must fit in log

    • xv6’s log is 30 blocks, which fs operation must fit in 30 blocks before committing.
    • The solution is to split a big size of writing transaction into many small writes.
    • A question: Why we don’t require a huge atomic transaction, what if the system crashes during many small writing transaction?
  • Concurrent fs calls

    • If many fs calls happen at the same time, we have to make sure all concurrent ops must fit into log blocks
    • The way xv6 solves it is to limit the number of concurrent fs call.
      • If the transaction number exceeds limit, it falls into sleep until other transactions are done.
      • And all the other concurrent fs calls maybe commit together, called group commit as a single big transaction commit
    • A more general way maybe before adding one more fs transaction, do block number size check first.