388. Longest Absolute File Path

Recollection the use of stringstream
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| class Solution { public: int lengthLongestPath(string input) { stringstream ss(input); string token; vector<string> paths; int res = 0; while(getline(ss, token, '\n')){ int layer = 0; int length = 0; for(int i = 0; i < token.size(); i++){ if(token[i] != '\t') break; layer++; } token = token.substr(layer); if(isFile(token)){ for(int i = 0; i < layer; i++) length += paths[i].size() + 1; res = max(length + (int)token.size() , res); }else{ if(paths.size() >= layer+1) paths[layer] = token; else paths.push_back(token); } } return res; }
bool isFile(string& token){ for(auto c : token) if(c == '.') return true; return false; }