457. Circular Array Loop
Tag: Fast-Slow pointers, No AC first time

To determine a cycle, Fast-Slow pointers is a good way for solving it in linear time and constant space.
Some tricky points
- Determine
all positive
or all negative
- Determine length
We can do a product of two nums to judge whether they are same positive or not, and do slow == Next(slow)
to judge loop’s length == 1
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| class Solution { public: bool circularArrayLoop(vector<int>& nums) { int n = nums.size(); for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){ if(nums[i] == 0) continue; int fast = getNext(n, i, nums[i]), slow = i; bool pos = nums[i] > 0, res = true; while(nums[slow] * nums[fast] > 0 && nums[slow] * nums[getNext(n, fast, nums[fast])] > 0){ if(slow == fast){ if(slow != getNext(n, slow, nums[slow])) return true; break; } slow = getNext(n,slow, nums[slow]); fast = getNext(n, fast, nums[fast]); fast = getNext(n, fast, nums[fast]); } int tmp = i; while(nums[tmp] * nums[getNext(n, tmp, nums[tmp])] > 0){ int step = nums[tmp]; nums[tmp] = 0; tmp = getNext(n, tmp, step); } } return false; }
int getNext(int size, int i, int move){ while(i + move < 0) i += size; while(i + move >= size) i -= size; return i + move; } };